The Importance of Mouth Guards in Sports Dentistry
The facts speak for themselves: Studies have shown that mouth-guards prevent well over 200,000 mouth or tooth injuries a year! Athletes are 60 times more likely to damage their teeth when not using a mouth-guard while involved in contact sports or rigorous physical training. Why chance making yourself another statistic? After all the time and effort you go through straightening your teeth why gamble damaging your teeth, resulting in needless costly dental work and discomfort.
Easy to Avoid Injury
The insane fact is… it’s simple to avoid severe damage or injury to your teeth by just wearing a mouth-guard! Still not convinced? Check out some of these mouth-guard facts:
Losing one or more teeth due to the absence of a mouth-guard is trauma enough for most individuals. But consider that over a lifetime you may spend as much as $10,000 or more per tooth to repair the damage? Do the math… it pays to wear a mouth-guard.
Mouth-guards used to be used principally for the sport of boxing but the advantages of wearing a mouth-guard have grown to many different contact sports including bicycling, ice hockey, basketball, and even volleyball. When in doubt, use a mouth guard, even when playing random contact sports with colleagues and relatives.
Mouth-guards: Not Just a Good Idea but a GREAT One!
Working together as a team is needed to create a beautiful smile. We can’t do it ourselves without patient cooperation and we all work together to ensure a healthy final dental result to last a lifetime! So why should it be any different with the use of a mouth-guard?
The facts speak for themselves: Studies have shown that mouth-guards prevent well over 200,000 mouth or tooth injuries a year! Individuals are 60 times more likely to damage their teeth when not wearing a mouth-guard while engaged in contact sports or rigorous physical exercise. Why risk making yourself another statistic? After all the time and effort you go through straightening your teeth why risk damaging your teeth, resulting in unnecessary costly dental work and discomfort.
A good general dentist is one who is able to preserve the oral health of patients. A great general dentist is one who goes beyond the basics to meet the unique needs of patients and their individual lifestyles. A board-certified dentist is considered to be a top dentist because of the comprehensive services he offers at his dental practice. Our general dentistry services preserve the health and beauty of the smile and address the unique oral health concerns of each of our patients. For instance, dentists provide patients with sports dentistry and mouth guards that protect the teeth and jaw while patients engage in athletic activities. This is vital to preserving the oral health of our active dental patients.
The Importance of Mouth Guards
Dental mouth guards are extremely important in preventing oral injuries during sporting activities. These mouth guards protect the lips, tongue, teeth, and jaw, and have even been shown to limit the internal damage of blows to the head. Because of the safety and protection that is provided by mouth guards, they are considered a required part of the uniform for many sporting activities. However, even athletes who do not participate in contact sports can benefit from the use of a dental mouth guard. Mouth guards are recommended for athletes participating in all types of sports, including the following:
- Wrestling
- Boxing
- Football
- Soccer
- Golf
- Bicycling
- Skateboarding
The Benefit of Custom-fit Mouth Guards
Many athletes who use a mouth guard opt for over-the-counter products. For the most part, this is because they are unaware that there is another, better option. Mouth guards that are bought in a pharmacy or athletic store are either pre-formed or made to fit to the teeth at home. In either case, these mouth guards are often awkward and bulky. Dentists offer his patients custom-fit Agility sports mouth guards. Unlike the ill-fitting mouth guards that can be purchased at the store, these custom mouth guards are molded to fit comfortably and securely over the patient’s teeth. This holds the jaw in proper position, further reducing the chances of injury, and also makes for a much more natural, comfortable fit.
Additional Mouth Guard Uses
Dental mouth guards have a number of additional uses, so even patients who are not athletic may benefit from the use of a custom-fit mouth guard. Dental mouth guards can be worn when a patient sleeps and have been shown to be helpful in addressing the following concerns:
If you suffer from any of these conditions, you can discuss with your doctor whether a dental mouth guard may be of help.