Ball Retained Denture Implants – Also Known as Snap In Dentures
Ball-retained denture implants, or snap-in dentures, are one of the two types available to hold dentures in the mouth, the other being bar-attached denture implants. Dentures are made of acrylic and closely resemble natural teeth and gums. Very often, today’s dentures look like clean and straight teeth without anything to give away that they are false. Some people, however, have a problem using dentures because they won’t stay correctly in the mouth on the gums. This is where implant-supported dentures come in handy. They can often mean the difference between someone being able to wear their dentures comfortably and not.
Snap-in Dentures
Upper dentures typically stay far better than lower dentures. This is because a part of the denture covers the roof of the mouth, also known as the upper palate. This action of this touching helps hold them in place. Lower dentures are simply a strip that goes over the gums without any large piece to act as a suction to hold them in. If the gums aren’t large enough to hold false teeth in place, denture implants can be necessary.
Ball-retained implants are one type of implant used to do so. Someone choosing to have a denture implant procedure can have as few as two implants that go through the gums into the jawbone. These look very similar to how they sound, with a ball shape on top that typically “snaps” into a matching socket on the inside of the dentures to hold them in place, hence the name “snap-in dentures.” Someone who needs these implants to keep a lower denture in place could have two implants, one on each side of the mouth, holding it quite well. Some people may need one or two more for the best hold, and if they choose to go with this option on the uppers to have the open palate denture option, they will almost certainly need four or more of the attachment studs.
Denture implant surgery is often a good option for someone who has a lot of trouble keeping the lower teeth in. Even if they slip a bit, it can make a person feel far less confident in smiling and even interfere with daily activities. Ball-retained dental implants can help restore that confidence and make everything from talking to chewing easier and are well worth the associated denture implants cost.
What Are Denture Implants?
Missing teeth are pretty standard these days. Did you know that 21% of all Americans are missing all or some of their pearly white teeth? Missing all or some of your teeth can significantly impact youryour quality of life. If you are missing parts or a complete set of teeth, you probably wear a denture. Most dentures use an adhesive and stick to the gums and the roof and bottom of your mouth. Although these types of dentures help you chew soft food, they slide around and cause significant discomfort to those who use them. Is there a denture that does not slide around or cause pain? The answer is yes, and the method is through denture implants.
What are denture implants, you might ask? Denture implants are still but much smaller dentures with an open gap to give you an empty pallet. A dentist drills aluminum alloy screws into the jaw bone with a small rounded ball tip that sticks out of the jaw. The round metal ball is about the size of half of a tooth. Typically affordable dental implants only require two screws on the bottom and top of the mouth bone structure. Once the screws have been installed, the dentures have an aluminum ball catcher up inside the denture. A person snaps the dentures into place on top of the implants; you have sturdy open pallet dentures.
The beauty of these implant-supported dentures is that you can devour an apple without worrying about your dentures sliding around and causing discomfort. The pallet is now open, which significantly improves the taste of food, and it does feel like you have your own set of sturdy teeth back. Once denture implants are installed, chewing nuts, hard candy, and crisp fresh fruit are no problem.
Who can perform this type of denture installation? You may already think that an oral surgeon is the only person qualified to do such a thing, but many dentists can install the implant denture. Technology has even created mini denture implants, installing four aluminum pins the size of a toothpick. This installation takes about an hour and is an outpatient procedure that most dentists can perform.
If you want to be able to chew and eat food again, make a choice and get some denture implants installed. Believe us when we say you will never look back after getting your sturdy, comfortable, and affordable denture implants.
Implant-Supported Dentures
Implant-supported dentures are over-dentures fixed to the gums by dental implants so that they don’t rest on the gum like conventional dentures. These denture implants are most often used in the lower jaw because traditional dentures don’t fit properly in the lower jaw. However, implant-supported dentures can be used in the upper jaw as well. An implant-supported denture snaps into place over a framework anchored to dental implants and is removed at night or for cleaning.
Types of Implant Dentures
There are two types of implant-supported dentures: bar-attached dentures and ball-retained dentures. Bar-attached denture implants are attached to a thin metal bar that runs between several dental implants in the jawbone. Clips are used to attach the dentures to the bar, which is curved to match the jawbone’s shape.
Ball-retained dentures or stud-attachment dentures use a ball-and-socket design to attach the dentures to the implants. Usually, the implants have a ball on top of them, and the dentures have sockets. The dentures snap into place over the implants. Sometimes the balls and sockets are reversed. If that is the case, the implants will have sockets, and the balls will be located on the dentures.
Why Choose Implant-Supported Dentures?
Those thinking about having denture implant surgery usually want to know why they should choose them instead of conventional dentures. Although denture implants cost more than traditional dentures, many benefits may justify the cost of getting implants.
Confidence in Public
Those who opt for implant-supported dentures are more confident when they talk, laugh, and eat in public. This is because they do not have to worry about their false teeth slipping or falling out while eating or engaging in conversation. Snap-in dentures are also less likely than conventional dentures to interfere with everyday speech.
Improved Comfort
Implant-retained dentures are more comfortable than conventional dentures because they are secure and feel like regular teeth. In addition, people who have decided to undergo the denture implant procedure do not have to cope with the canker sores that conventional dentures can cause. Implant dentures do not cover the palate, so the typical feel of the mouth is retained. It is uncomfortable when your tongue hits a plastic sheet instead of your palate. Also, since implant-supported dentures are held firmly in place by the implants, there is no danger of discomfort caused by loose dentures sliding around the mouth.
Better for Eating
Conventional dentures only provide about 20% of eating efficiency, and many people have to take out their traditional dentures before they eat. Implant-attached dentures restore eating capacity to 50% of what regular teeth offer. People with any denture should avoid tricky and sticky foods.