Gum Disease Symptoms & Remedies
What do you know about periodontal disease?
The average patient knows it’s an oral disease; however, periodontal disease isn’t simply a dental disease—it affects the entire body. In fact, having untreated cases of gum disease makes patients more susceptible to developing other ailments throughout their bodies.
National Institute of Health states that about 80% of the adults in the U.S. suffer from gum disease. Do you think you’re one of them? Are your gums now nasty and dark red in color instead of a healthy pink? Do you experience bleeding gums after you floss or brush your teeth? When you bite into a crisp apple or crusty bread, does it hurt? These are gum disease symptoms. If you experience one of these symptoms or even more then you could probably be in trouble.
The top ten symptoms commonly seen with gum diseases are gums that are puffy, red and swollen; gums that while flossing or brushing bleeds easily; gums that form pockets and pulls away from teeth; as you eat hard foods, gums bleed; as you bite down, the teeth experience a change in the way they fit together; bad breath or having a foul taste in the mouth; puss coming out in between the gums and teeth; receding gums causing teeth to look longer; loose of teeth permanently; and partial dentures experience a change in fit.
You should seriously consider these symptoms. You will need the help of a dentist to control the condition you have whether it’s just gingivitis that can easily be cleared up through a deep dental cleaning or if it’s advanced periodontitis that would require an extensive surgery done orally as well as a bone graft. To put it simply, the longer that you wait to treat the gum disease the more chance that you will be losing teeth and it could even be worse.
What You Should Know about Gum Disease
- Gum disease is oftentimes painless. Most patients have the impression that gum disease is a painful oral disease, when in fact, it’s usually painless. The best way to remain vigilant of gum disease is by visiting your periodontist regularly. This way, should the beginnings of periodontal disease arise, the doctor can start treatment immediately.
- Bleeding gums isn’t normal. Have you heard the expression: watch out for the pink in the sink? The pink residue means your gums have been bleeding, which isn’t normal. Bleeding gums points to greater issues that require the care of a professional. If notice your gums bleed during daily brushing, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Cueva.
- A sour taste could mean gum disease. Bad breath, or halitosis, affects everyone from time-to-time, especially in the morning. Yet, having persistent bad breath or a sour taste in your mouth might mean gum disease. Since the more severe cases of periodontal disease tends to generate pus, it leaves behind a sour taste in the mouth alongside incurable bad breath.
- Proper teeth cleaning won’t necessarily prevent gum disease. Roughly 30% of the population is genetically predisposed to gum disease. This means that even with a sound teeth cleaning regimen, those patients can still develop gum disease. To learn if you have this predisposition, consult with Dr. Cueva.
- Flossing helps ward off gum disease. One of the best ways to fight gum disease is by flossing. Gum disease develops from periodontal pockets created from an excess of plaque and tartar build-up. By flossing, you remove the plaque to prevent tartar (which is hardened plaque) accumulation in the first place. Thus, preventing gum disease.
Stages of Gum Disease
These are 3 stages of gum diseases as ranked according to how severe they are.
Gingivitis – This is the first stage of gum disease and it’s the inflammation of gums as caused by plaque buildup along the gumline. This is very treatable as there is still no damaged to the connective tissue and bones. Common symptoms experienced when you have gingivitis are bleeding gums as you floss or brush your teeth.
Periodontitis – If you’ve been diagnosed with this condition then this is bad news. The supporting bone & fibers that holds the teeth in place have been irreversibly damaged. To prevent further damage from periodontitis, you’d need a professional dental care. If food or plaque gets trapped in the gums just below the gumline forming pockets is a symptom of periodontal disease.
Advanced Periodontitis – This is the final and very grim stage of the gum disease and the bones supporting the teeth as well as the fibers have already been destroyed. The teeth will fall out after it would loosen and shift. To contain further damage, an aggressive care for periodontitis is required.
Most people around the world are not aware that gum diseases such as gingivitis can have dangerous effects. It is also a fact that it can even lead to death if the infections would be left untreated. Other very common symptoms of a gum disease would be bleeding gums as well as teeth loss. No one can deny that it is very important to properly care for their teeth and gums by brushing their teeth regularly. It’s also very important that you visit your dentist on a regular basis and once a month for prevention of the disease formation.
If gingivitis has not yet spread all over the mouth then it can still be corrected by the person as he begins to have a program for regimented dental care. However, if the disease becomes advanced by spreading with a great length in the mouth then it may be necessary to get this corrected through dental cleaning.
Throughout the history of our world, many cultures faced this type of problem. There were less available options in the past so you can lose a tooth or teeth from the disease. Now in our modern society, this can still happen if you will let the disease of your gum spread.
If a person would correct the problem quickly, you can eliminate altogether the dangerous effects and symptoms of the disease. This can start with gum and teeth care at home. You can even save yourself from further diseases that are more serious such as a heart disease by solving this problem as early as possible.
Natural Remedies for Gum Disease
The dental functions and oral health are dependent largely on the health of the gums. Still, millions of people are suffering from the different types of the gum disease that results to the premature teeth falling with a digestive problem that goes persistently. Your poor oral health as a result of the gum disease can destroy the beauty of your face and it can be intimidating as you interact to other people. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two forms of the gum disease where gingivitis is the mildest.
Disease symptoms include gum inflammation, tissue softening surrounding your teeth, formation of puss, bleeding, bad breath and this can ultimately lead to your teeth falling off prematurely.
Causes of Gum Disease
Gum disease is mainly caused by bacterial activity that forms a sticky and colorless plaque that surrounds the teeth. Other causes can be smoking of by tobacco chewing; can be genetically caused; high consumption of sugars and carbohydrates; when you don’t follow a good oral hygiene; pregnancy, puberty and menopause; stress; obesity; diseases that reduce the immunity of the body; taking of heart medicines, oral contraceptives or anti-depressant drug; and could be caused by diabetes.
Natural Remedies and Cures for Gum Disease
It needs to be emphasized that you can maintain a good dental and oral hygiene by having dental checkups and asking for advice from the professionals. But there are also some natural cures that can help to maintain healthy gums and cure gum diseases.
- When you brush or floss your teeth, you must give proper care to it. Brush 2 or 3 times a day after a meal and brush for 5 minutes then floss as this help cure gingivitis. You must also follow the proper techniques in brushing.
- If you suffer from gum disease, you should make it a habit to rinse the mouth with water after you eat any food.
- Smoking cigarettes and tobacco can increase the effects of your gum disease so it would be better if you quit smoking.
- As an aid to cure the gum disease, massage the gums with your finger tips to help with the circulation of blood.
- Rinse your mouth with a mixture of salt and warm water frequently will reduce the bacterial activity inside the mouth.
- To cure the problem, take fruit juices that are rich in Vitamin C such as lime juice, guava, oranges and sweet limes.
- Choose a mouthwash that contains peppermint oil.
Stress and the lack of sleep can also aggravate the symptoms of gum disease. Remember that our body can repair damage cells faster when we are sleeping. If you are suffering from sleeping disorder and can’t get a good night sleep, we recommend that you take Melatonin for Sleep problems. Melatonin is a hormone produced by our body to make us feel drowsy at night so that we can sleep better. Melatonin supplement is chemically identical to the natural melatonin found in the human body. You can buy melatonin supplements OTC in any healthshop. In some European Countries, melatonin is sold as a prescription drug. Melatonin side effects can make you drowsy or sleepy during the day; so it is advisable to avoid driving or operating heavy machineries when taking melatonin. First time users of melatonin should use the recommended dosage.
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