Do Braces Hurt? First Days with Braces
A Patient’s Story: Damon Braces & Invisalign
Most prospective orthodontics patients are scared because of the pain this treatment might bring. Sometimes the idea of shedding hundreds or even thousands of dollars for treatment or having to go through this for 1-2 years doesn’t scare them as much as the idea of the tooth and mouth pain caused by wearing the braces.
Is it painful to get braces?
Wearing braces can cause discomfort and soreness, especially during the first few days after they are applied and after any subsequent adjustments. This discomfort is typically mild to moderate and usually goes away within a few days. Some people may experience more severe pain or irritation, especially if braces rub against their cheeks, lips, or tongue. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen can help alleviate any discomfort. If the pain or irritation is severe, you should contact your orthodontist.
It’s important to note that everyone’s experience with braces is different, and while some people may experience discomfort, others may not feel any pain. Additionally, the type of braces used, such as traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or clear aligners, can also impact how comfortable they are to wear. Your orthodontist can discuss your options and help you choose the best option for your needs.
“Not too much” and “so so” would be the two fast answers. Before you renounce the idea of having straight teeth, let me try to explain this better. Millions of people treat their crooked teeth (many kids or teenagers); it shouldn’t be so painful. And it’s not.
My Experience with Damon Braces
I can tell you about my experience in 2 systems: Damon (metal braces) and Invisalign. I got my metal braces one year ago. The entire process was scarier when reading about it than the real thing. The braces got on my lateral teeth (we only braced these) on both arches, and I was ready to go with my dental wax and the new life ahead of me. I was told to use Kethonal or any other painkiller if I couldn’t cope with the pain, prepare for a few harrowing days, and then it will be better. And it was.
After 2-3 hours, I felt pressure on my teeth. It was something like my finger was in my mouth, and I was pushing them a bit. Nothing too serious, sure, I didn’t take any medication. I ate with care and then went to sleep.
Morning came: I got up and accidentally clenched my teeth. OUCH! The pain almost made me scream. After getting some pleasant swearing done (the least I could do), I went to the kitchen to eat something. Yeah, sure. I couldn’t press my teeth against anything since it was painful. I didn’t hurt if they didn’t touch anything (so I just had my mouth slightly open to have the teeth not touch). The pressure was still there, but the pain would appear ONLY when I clenched my teeth. So, I stopped doing this and didn’t take medication either. It wasn’t the case.
I started eating mashed potatoes and all kinds of soft foods. For 2-3 days, I was like an old woman; even my grandma ate better (you can imagine she didn’t miss the chance to observe how “old” I was).
How long does it take for braces’ pain to go away?
In a few days, the pain wasn’t that big anymore, and I started eating bread (not anything complicated) and some foods that weren’t as soft as a newborn’s menu. I could clench my teeth without kicking anyone, and brushing was more pleasant. I tried to keep perfect hygiene in the pain days, which was pretty nice.
After one week, I was able to ditch the wax too (for a few days, I made my fill with dental wax and was confident I’d need some special deliveries, maybe a truck of wax, due to the vast need I had) and eat like a normal person. My doctor told me it would be a good idea not to try anything too complicated (nuts or something like that) so that I don’t damage my braces, but God is my witness; I could eat if I wanted to.
After each adjustment, I’d have 1-2 days of some pain (not a huge one, I never took medication for this), and then it was all OK. The first days are the worse (when you get braced in). Afterward, your teeth get adjusted to the braces so that you can “recover” faster from each adjustment.
My Experience with Invisalign
Invisalign treatment may cause some discomfort, but it is usually not as painful as traditional braces. Patients may feel pressure and soreness in the teeth and gums when they first start using a new set of aligners, but this typically subsides after a few days. The discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers, and patients can also ask their dentist or orthodontist for tips on minimizing the discomfort. Overall, Invisalign is designed to be a more comfortable and convenient option for straightening teeth compared to traditional braces.
Now I have Invisalign and still expected that pain. Maybe I got used to the metal braces that are a bit more “strong,” or I am lucky. After getting the Invisalign trays on, I got home and started eating fast (so I can eat soft foods again because of the possible pain). I waited for some hours, and I had no pain. Just a slight pressure on my teeth. Next day: one incisor hurt. “Thank God, I’m normal.” Nothing else. In a few hours, the incisor stopped hurting, and I could normally eat, even if I was prepared for another “old woman menu” for some days at least.
1 week into the treatment: I doubt I’ll see pain anymore. I still feel a slight pressure on the teeth (like a tickle) and nothing more. It looks like my life now will be pain-free. So .. the painkillers can remain untouched.
Conclusion on Braces Pain
My conclusion would be that you should expect SOME pain. Some patients are more sensitive and need some medication, at least in those first days, while others are “dancing” through the treatment. Don’t fear this pain that much since it doesn’t last, and in some cases, it might not even appear. Just schedule that meeting with your orthodontist and DO IT. I tell you, I don’t regret this, even if I was in pain for weeks. My treatments were so easy that I would be crazy not to finish this or not think that it’s too bad I didn’t do this earlier.
One Reply to “Do Braces Hurt? First Days with Braces”
I’ve had my braces for 20 months now (I wear the Damon or “speed” braces) and in all honesty, my teeth STILL hurt. It was so unbearable for me in the first 8-10 weeks that I lost 20 lbs (a great diet plan!) because I couldn’t chew anything so all I did was drink Crystal Light. It levelled off for awhile until I was informed that elastics (small latex rings attaching to the upper and lower jaws at the back in a criss-cross fashion). That is when I feel most of the pain. Also note, I’m fanatical about the possibility of developing periodontal disease, so I brush, floss and get ultra regular cleanings like a maniac! I still have difficulty with eating very chewy foods, too, so I try to avoid them.
Everyone’s braces experience is different, so don’t be discouraged. My treatment was due to 110% overbite (class 2 malocclusion) and tipped teeth. My teeth are also very small and with a gummy smile so I will need crown lengthening when the brackets come off in about another year. I’m also a wimp when it comes to pain, so don’t despair, it might be a completely different experience for you. Lots of other people I talked to when the braces first came on said they also had braces as adults and that their experience was indeed different than mine. It will be worth it for sure. Good luck!